04 April 2012

Sleep Eludes Me

For the past four days real sleep has evaded me.

So whats been happening, I fall asleep right after local news and when Jimmy Fallon ends I'm awake.  At this point my room is completely dark, the black out shades are going, and all light emitting devices are covered up.  I look up at the ceiling and am awake.  I mean I am not sleepy in the slightest.  Awake, like the day is starting.

At this point I try various sleep techniques.
Deep Breathing- This does slow my body down but never pushed me into sleep.
Reading- This unfortunately leads to me surfing the intertubes.
A/C- For some reason I believe that making my room an icebox helps.  I just freeze.
Counting- Ha ha sheep...this is like breathing.  Im always at the brink but never sleep.
Writing- If im anxious or over thinking I can usually write out my problem and boom im asleep.

Allergies- This has been the problem.  Sneezing, coughing.  I tried allergy medicine pre sleep and that just makes me anxious.  I tried nasa flushing and that makes me salty.

I end up sleeping around 430am to 600am.

At this time I do hit REM sleep, the dreams I have had:
Me choking a faceless person; eating dinner with my mom and dad; being at the beach...

I dont know whats next...

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