07 April 2012

American Reunion

I got out of work a bit early and had nothing to do so I went to watch a movie American Reunion.

I was expecting the worse and I got something unexpected.

I got depressed.  The message of the movie is that growing up sucks and we rarely become the person of our high school dreams.  We get older and we have to work.  Work isn't fun.  Thats why its called work.  The movie represents everything you go through in life and its tough.  You have kids, you are responsible for the health and well being of a tiny person.  Thats a 24 hour a day job.  You might not have the career you thought and you  make shit up.   Or worse the people you thought were your friends aren't.  High school was fun because you didn't have any responsibilities.  College is the same.  You just have fun.  Then they dump you in the work world and you're never ready.

Why was I depressed.  I liked high school i made some great friends and had some great times.  I was depressed because we put so much stock memories, but they are just that memories.  Everyday you have to create new ones and when you get older that is not easy.  You have to be responsible.

You never have the job you want, you miss your first love blah blah blah....it was deprressing.

I should have just watched Hunger Games.

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