03 April 2012

If I had Won

I woke up to Luke Russert on the today show saying the winning ticket was bought at a 7-11 in Baltimore County.  The Day before I had been up near my mom's house and went by the 7-11 near her an picked up more tickets.  I was charged but instantly deflated when Luke said it was in Milford Mill....

What I would have done with my winnings?

Family and Friends
1.  Paid off everyone's (family, friends) debt.
2.  Start a Foundation... education, helping people set up goals and ways to achieve them here and in the PI.
3.  Nieces/Nephews would get accounts, school would be paid for if they did well in school.  Tuition paid in full if they go Ivy.
4.  Set up a trust at Gilman/Surfrider/BMA
5.  CapSwell Compound that can hold the whole family.  Each Family would have a cottage and their would be a main house.  Near the beach.
6.  Donation to ACS to honor PopSwell from us.
7.  Season Tixs for O's and Ravens.

For CapSwell!!
1.  Eating tour of the top restaurants in the US: French Laundry; Per Se...Woodberry Kitchen..etc.
2.  Custom Fletcher Chouinard Design Surfboards...a nice huevo ranchero
3.  Stolen From Jay...fly around on United until I was a million mile member, ditto for hotel rewards.
4.  Hotel with one floor for CapSwell and Family... and a Paul's Bakery/AMC/Ramen would be in my building.
5.  REM would pay at my next milestone Birthday
6.  Full restoration of my barbour jacket.
7.  Buenos Aires, Patagonias, Hawaii, Fiji, Tokyo, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Joburg, Marakesh, Madrid, San Sebastian, Paris, London, Coppenhagen, Oslo, St. Petersburg and Iceland.

Good of the Nation
1.  Set up PAC for moderates
2.  Support efforts for space exploration

1 comment:

SoNSo1 said...

You're dreaming. And the PAC for moderates will be a nightmare!