23 October 2011

Three Musketeers

I cringe when I see a Three Musketeers movie. I love the book. I love the flair, gallantry, reckless abandon, brotherhood and love of women from the original series. If you didn't know The Three Musketeers original was a newspaper serial or it came our weekly. Also you have to understand that during that time period noblemen and those looking to move up in the world had to be able to fence and had to win favor through heroics. You had to kick ass.

This movie had all the elements of the book. The right characters, basic plot, etc. my main concern was the spirit of the original work which is dare devilish awesomeness.

I cringed at the beginning. I have the book memorized and well the movie started off differently. This took awhile for me to get past.

However, the movie is fun. Great swordplay. Great fencing. It's fun. One thing they missed was that Athos fought left handed.

If you want an accurate recounting of the book this isn't for you. If Dumas was alive today he would appreciate the reimagination via this new movie.

1 comment:

@margeemateo said...

I had a hard time watching it.