04 August 2011

Friends with Benefits

Friends with Benefits was a much better movie then the No Strings Attached movie.  Timberlake and Kunis are better actors and they seem like real characters.  Kutcher and Portman are distant.

Plot: Two people meet, think they can have friend sex...yada, yada, yada...it doesn't work out.  Guy unknowingly insults girl, their parents point out that they lost out on their one true love.... blah blah blah... Meg Ryan/Katherine Heigel/ John Cusak ending.

Kunis is spot on in playing the fun awesome too cool girl.  She is the type A girl who is not so anal and is not being over analyzed by friends.  Thats what won me over and the "Are you pooping?" line.

Justin is good as well.  I see him and think he'll suck but frankly he is a good comedic actor..look at SNL..look at Social Network.  the dude is good.

I guess Im to hopeful.  I guess I want the best for everyone.  Love conquers all.

1 comment:

SoNSo1 said...

I thought about this for my review, but didn't blog it. I wondered why I liked Timberlake/Kunis more than Kutcher/Portman. I think it was the back story of the characters -- Portman's more so than the others. Her character had the parent issues like no ones business and it was hard to like her because she was gruff and slightly aloof by it.

Even though Kunis had a similar issue hers was a little more light-hearted. You could get behind her rather than pity.

I think their back stories contribute to how you react to the movies.

BTW, the Academy would disagree with you on the Portman v Kunis front.