03 August 2011

Captain America

My favorite comic book hero has come to life on the big screen.

I like Captian America because he was not just a patriot who fought to right the wrongs.  He had a sense of purpose and his convictions were not bound to political ideology but to a higher sense of duty.  This movie captured Cap's essence.  He was a man dedicated to fighting the nazis and the evil they brought to the world.

I thought the movie was well passed and high good levels of excitement.  I thought the characters were starting to develop well but enough with the love stories?!?  The movie missed on the "Why we Fight spirit" of our country during WWII.  They showed the men signng up but it was much more powerful.

I did think the fights scenes were a bit weak.  Captain American was a super soldier, a world class gymanst, the greatest tactician and he weilded a shield that could level anybody.  He maximazed human potential.  I think the fight scenes should have had Cap just pounding Hydra and chucking his shield around demolishing people.

The Howling Commandos showed up but they were Nick Fury's dudes whatever, I liked em.  I really enjoyed the Bucky barnes character and you can already see the set up for the Winter Soldier, that would be awesome.

How did this compare to other superhero movies?  On par with them all.  Assemble them already into the Avengers and lets see the some Avengers!

1 comment:

SoNSo1 said...

Are you watching the movies in the same order I am watching them? What's next? Don't tell me. Cowboys & Aliens? I just saw that last night!