03 July 2011

Thoughts on "Stories I Only Tell My Friends" by Rob Lowe

Sam Seaborne from the West Wing is a TV character I understand a preppy wonky guy trying to do whats right an occasionally stepping in it.  I downloaded Rob Lowe's book because of Sam.

Rob Lowe's autobiography came out in April and it has been sitting in my Kindle app for a few months.  I started reading it yesterday and never stopped.  I knew Lowe would have some humdingers but he also has some whoppers.  His writing style is direct and he takes you on the ups and downs of everyday life, that includes living in Malibu; having the Sheens and Penns as childhood friends and being a struggling actor.  There were sex stories of course but one story that stood out was his role on the "Outsiders."  The endless audition process, the camaraderie of the movie set. bleeding for your craft and the disappointment.  The writing is direct, self deprecating and funny and you share his journey.  The ups and downs, the competition amongst Hollywood's young elites and his desire to do the best he can all the time.   

It is a tale of fitting in, working your arse off to get what you want and understanding that no matter what even if you are a movie star and have your dream job it, life, can all be unfair, a valuable lesson for us all to remember.

Obviously I am a West Wing Fan and seeing his passions for acting, politics and advocacy coming together in Sam Seaborne make me believe in fate.

The comments I made most to myself as a I read were "No Way" and "That's Awesome."  The book did make me want to his movies.

In the end like all songs, movies, TV shows, blogs and tweets this was a love story between Rob and his wife.

 A great read and some great stories.

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