27 June 2011


1.  The Install guy and their cable headquarter flunkies never talk and they never get your service order right.  They never have the new HD/DVR box in the van.  That's why cable companies suck.

2.  Don't own a service oriented businesses if you are not friendly.  You can ruin family fun time at 31 flavors with your anger.

3.  If you take a long lunch do not rub it in coworker's faces.

4.  This is more of a future one... Eventually, the cute corner eatery turns into Chipotle.

5.  A double order of lechon (roast pig) is not a good way to spend a sunday.

6.  New England does not change.  Ever.  You wonder why real preppy families where the same clothes go anywhere North of Amherst and look around.  You wonder why classic rock does not go away go to New England.

7.  I got rid of the piles of book on my night stand and replaced it with an iPhone overloaded with eBooks that I still have not read.

8.  Out of sight out of mind will make you lose friends.

9.  I think going sans deodorant is the only way to go but man I stink.

10.  Just dance, just sing karaoke no one cares.

11.  When my niece jumps up and down and yells for me to hold her I melt a little.   But if mommy is around be ready to be ignored and that's okay.

13.   Camping should involve: a lodge, a fireplace, and current hit movies streamed to a 46 inch flat screen.  If you find yourselves in the woods, you have done something wrong.

14. The Cure as background music for romantic comedy movies is weird.

15.  If you hear me say, "There is this thing called (blank)"  then you need to read more.

16.  Movies are better before noon.

17.  Wardrobe: one thing should clash everything else should be in order.

18.  Some Aveda products should not be applied to your Washington Monument

19.  Flying Business class for work is a curse and it makes you buy unreasonable tickets.   Use your miles.

20.  Always order the small.  You do not need anything more.  If you want more drink water.

21.  Put everything you are going to pack on your bed.  Look at it.  Take half of each pile away and thats what you should pack.

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