25 February 2010

Sans Rice

A day without rice is a lesser day...

Adrienne made ribs tonight.  I made potato smashies and sprouts and of course rice.

No wait there was no rice.  Ribs and no rice, i must be in bizzaro CapSwell land.  I just pinched myself it was true no rice.

The ribs were great, she boiled them first and then cooked them.  They had that BBQ rib smell that reminds me of home.  Roasting pork, the sweet tangy bbq sauce starting to char damn im drooling all over again.  I sacrificed the rice because we made 9 pounds of smashies.  I just didnt feel like i had a complete meal.

1 comment:

onocoffee said...

No rice: Fail

Life should never be "sans rice."

However, it should always be topped off with Sans Rival!