26 February 2010

OnoCoffee Asked "What Happened to Business Class?"

I have been on a number of staff trips and more often then not we are in economy not business class.  Most asian trips will stick you in business because of the length of the flight, everyone else likes economy. 

So I assumed that my flight to Egypt would be businesses but I was sadly mistaken and I was stuck in economy for a total of 23 hours.   You can survive these flights when you are on the aisle or on the window, but i was in the middle.

I'm not the best middle seater.  I take both arm rests, which i think middle seaters deserve.  I get up frequently and I wait for the aisle person to settle in before i return to my seat.  I sleep and I snore.  When they offer tea or coffee i get it and have to reach over the aisle person to get sugar.  Plus I'm a big guy, so everyone has fun.

The flight to and from had the same movies.  GI Joe, 500 Days of Summer and some period piece movie.  Both ways the English channel was roto, so I listened to the Spanish.  The food was typical airline food and I thought Iberia Air had bad service, Damn! Iberia is like one of those fancy asian airlines compared to Egypt Air.

So my overall flight experience was combative.  I spent a god four hour standing in the back of the plane.

I have to go on an Asian trip to balance out everything.

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