18 March 2012

21 Jump Street

Im not going to give you a plot summary.  Its 21 Jump Street.

I will tell you that I laughed a lot.  Good laughs too, not just chuckles, genuine, from the gut laughs.   Well worth the matinee price.  It would be worth full price at a theater with a parking garage and getting the nachos and a large coke un-upgraded with a Stubs card.

I laughed but c'mon Hollywood...nothing original.

Could you redo High School?    No Thanks, but it is funny watching people go through it.

1 comment:

One Little Seedling said...

I think this movie will end up being my favorite of the year next to Prometheus. This movie was awesome. Just good all around entertainment. Who would of thought Tatum could actually be entertaining.

Definitely a movie that shouldn't be spoiled. Good to go in not seeing anything on it.