26 August 2011


First, the quake freaked me out, working in the Capitol and shaking like that one assumes the worst, a car bomb, a plane crashing into us etc.  I have accepted the fact that my buildings could blow up and I could die.  Then the quake hit and it always makes you think about life.

I was in the bathroom during the quake.  I wasnt pooping.  I was peeing.  I remember everything shaking in mid stream I klooked around and thoguht to myslef.  "Fucking great an earthquake."  Then the building shock violently, I started to freak out, the shaking stopped I finished and went to check on my officemates.  People were streaming out of the buiilding and some were freaking out.

When I was 11 I was on a 24 hour flight to the Philippines.  Somewhere over the Pacific I had to go to the bathroom #2.  As I sat, the Fasten Seat Belt Light came on, the steward got on the overhead speakers, return to your seats.  I was still pooping and I had to finish.  Next thing I know I was boucning all over the place but nothing came up!!!  Needless to say I got pushed around the Northwest Airlines bathroom but I was all fine.

Im prone to bouncing around when I am in bathrooms.  That sucks.

1 comment:

SoNSo1 said...

You should not bring a magazine into the stall with you