18 June 2011

Washed and Folded and Washed Again: A CapSwell Tale

The past three weeks I have worked off of a weeks worth of under garments.  As most of you know the wash and fold laundromat that I frequented shuttered trapping my clothes and my good patagonia.  Distraught, devastated and demoralized I was trying to make do with my limited boxers.  Hand washing them mostly so that I was had clean clothes because heaven forbid Im in a car accident and I dont have fresh ones on.  Hand washing is unbelievably annoying and I have no idea how the lady folk deal with unmentionable washing.  Anyway, I saw the manager of the shuttered store.  He said we tried to call you but you didnt leave a number and everything unclaimed was thrown out.  I asked if he had the email of the owner and he did.  he wrote it down and I reached out to him.  I pleaded for my LL Bean tote with my gear.  No answer.  No responses.  Three weeks and nothing.

Until this morning, this was the reply to my pleadings, "I think your bag is at our store in Mt. Pleasant."  Au contraire mon frere.  i had been to your sister store and searched in the bags of washed and foldeds and my bag was no wear (like the pun) to be found.   I went over this morning at 830am.  I went back and searched the room of finished products and right up front was my bag. Two weeks ago it was not there.  Weird.  Maybe Im in the twilight zone....or Bizarro CapSwell land. ...blah blah blah.. all I can say is...


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