14 November 2009

What Happened to Hawaiian Punch?

Growing up we were allowed to drink Hawaiian Punch. Before I go any further did you know HP was meant to be an ice cream topping before it was a drink...crazy I know. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer lore..Buffy tells Lotho or the Master that he has Hawaiian Punch mouth... Anywho, my mom would open up the huge tin of Hawaiian Punch with the triangular punchy thing that has the bottle opener on the other end. I would guzzle away and it always had a sharp after taste.

That after taste was the Hawaiian Punch. It was sharp like too much suger but it also tingled. I think it may have sharpened sugar crystals to sweeten and to cut your mouth to punch up the drink.

I recently had a some HP and it was sweet but flat...what happened to the punch? Looking on the website there was no announcement of a formula change.

I tried to sharpen the flavor with sparkling water and then with sprite..no result. I'm thinking maybe Fanta might give it the kick.

Stay Tuned

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