05 March 2012

Moral Compass- Walking Dead

Dale died, horribly, un-heroically and randomly.  He spent the whole episode pleading for the group to not lose their humanity and in the end the most inhumane thing killed him, a zombie.

Losing one's moral compass is not good.  I like to think that I'm this bad ass, freedom fighter when in the end i'm more like Dale then I want to admit.  I will question if something is the right thing to do.

Watching his death was troubling for me.  I was at first very much in favor of killing Randy.  He was a threat.   But as I thought about it; I could not really accept the conclusion that death was the only solution.  Humanity is being wiped out and we want to take another's life.  Maybe if we had a trial.

If you remove your morality what are you left with, a kill or be killed society.  Even in a zombie wasteland you cannot let that happen.  we need each other.  We need to show compassion and be just at the same time.

oh, by the way, carl is getting very annoying.

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