18 February 2012


I just saw the series finale. Lost ripped off CS Lewis' Perelandria. All the mystery and character motivation reminds me of corporate politics. Lost watched in batches really was awesome. I loved the series.

Lost as a series was great. Character development was amazing and watching motivation revealed over seasons was unique. The mythology was intoxicating but I'm a sucker for good vs evil, Christ like complexes and cast out of heaven stories. The characters lives crossing over was shocking but needed. I mean Vader being Luke's father made the trilogy, as did Losts character crossover Revalations.

I thought how the editors cut the show was annoying using commercial break gimmicks built stress and cliff hangers but it was overused. OMG was Kare shot!!

I had heard a lot of people were annoyed or confused by the last episode. My friend said "if you put 7 years into a show, you want the finale to be better.". Yikes!

I liked the wrap up. I enjoyed it because I watched the last three episodes in a row. The season went off the rails but it meant to answer questions and to wrap up plot lines.

I think Jack got too many accolades and the real hero was Desmond. Desmond saved more people, was the beacon to get survivors saved, transversed time to get answers and his actions made evil corporial.

Lost was great because human nature is complex. What motivates a persons actions is powerful. Frailty thy name is human.

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