31 December 2011

End of 2011

It's been a shit year. I'm glad it's fucking over.

This year I got my salary cut by $10k. My boss dressed me down and it hurt. I see my coworkers for who they are.
I over spent like mad and have had to cut back drastically.
Sleeping has been impossible without chemically or alcohol-icily help.
I think I'm getting hemorrhoids.
I sprained my left shoulder and couldn't move it for 6 weeks. I could move it if I took enough pain medicine for an elephant.
I nearly broke my favorite person.
At the end of the year i developed some weird cough that has made cigars a no no and a bit undesirable .

Did anything good happen?
I'm cooking more.
I know that I like simpler food vs fancy.
My niece calls me Uncle CapSwell.
Is that it... Fuck...

The year is about to end. Thank the fucking maker!

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