28 September 2011

Sweet and Sour

So Sweet and Sour Chicken is a million times better then Sweet and Sour Pork.  Pork is always too tough.  The chicken is moister.

My brother was always a fan of the pork an recently when going for bad chinese i have been ordering the Sweet and Sour Pork and it jsut inst good.  I do not think I can remeber having good sweet and sour pork.  i thnk the chunks would have to be massive so you could keep it moist.

And no this is not a post about "real" chinese food.  I'm an American, I like my chinese sweet and soured, tso'd with a good egg roll.  By the way if you like cripsy beek then you are an American Chinese food fan and who doesnt like crispy beef!!

Anyway i have also been a dipper of sauce mosit of my life.  Last week I drowned my food and by Zeus it was a million times better.

Wow Im really going to clog the old 4 chamber pump soon.  Adios

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