10 June 2010

Dear Dad,

We took Gracie to visit you at your grave.

She danced, and smiled, waved your American flag and chased the geese.

Afterwards we went to lunch. She had some miso soup.

Gracie picked out the tofu and grounded it into the table.

She ate Lola's noodles and also kindly tried to feed them back to her.

We went to the park to chase birds unsuccesfully and swung on the swing.

The swing produced a booboo which made her cry.

However, it does look like she has some good climbing genes.

Sh scaled the fake rock like an experienced rock climber. Don't worry I'll make sure she is properly geared.

The park led to snowballs which were a disaster. White pants and chocolate snowballs are a bad combination. She wore most of it.

I know you would have adored her.

We miss you.


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