19 February 2010

Trip Home

One down two to go. The flight home is that awful mixed bag of
anticipation of all things familiar. The senses of home like the way
your house smells the way the food tastes versus a numbness that you
are leaving especially after a great journey.

Egypt Air a Star Alliance member is awful. Their planes are old. The
service is crappy and they basically dont give a shit. I long for the
airlines of asia and their customer service oriented culture. When
you ask for water go get it. Dont go to the back of the plane to
gossip with your crew members only to return with water 15 minutes

Flight anticipation never sits well with me. Im anxious to get
moving. The hub system of travel is painful and agonizing we need
better air travel.

Im waiting for the longest and most grueling 12 hour flight,
chemically enhanced sleep should be made inorder but i find myself
without. Will i be stuck in the middle? No chicken, beef or fish
question for me. I have also decided to forgo food infavor of

It was great trip and im torn with staying to really explore Egypt and
wanting to go home. I miss American food. I know it is weird to say
and to weird to read but a Big Mac and fries sounds good, or crispy
beef. Imagine that waiting for you after 18 hours of travel. You'd
be totally psyched!

In my head my journey ends at Dulles but i forget i have a 40 minute
drive home. I dont want to do it. I just hope the snow has melted so
i can park my car in front of the house.

Sent from my mobile device

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