26 February 2010

Theory: Being In Love Makes You Blind to Hotness

When I am in love, which is like with every other woman I see I become blind to hotness.  Seriously, i see hot women and I say pish posh they are not hot.  Why is that? 

My theory is that it is a defensive pheramone that your love interets sprays you with so that you do not stray.

My current research subject is a friend of mine.  Recently in love.  A hot girl came over and he was like she is not hot.  Imagine a slightly nerdy, she has glasses, looking angeline joile. 

Maybe we stop seeing people are hot because we are spent form having too much sex and your mind is trying to preserve your drive.  maybe my theory is the reverse... when you are in love you are so focused on reproduction that all energy and attraction points in one direction.  I know this is the case for OnoCoffee who loves only one lady at a a time.

I have been jotting down my observations when I am in love:
From March 14,  2004:  X (I am hiding names) has many girl friends, but I cannot tell if they are hot.  I need thirty party verification. 

From March 18, 2004: X's friend Max is out drinking with us and I ask him how hot X's friend's are.  "Dude, they are all hot especially Magaggie."  I knew it.  My love for X is blinding me.


One Little Seedling said...

I'm sorry I stopped after "Imagine a slightly nerdy, she has glasses, looking angeline joile" because I had to comment that there is no such thing as "slightly nerdy" Angelina. Not one bit. They either are complete hotness of The Jolie or merely a girl that is hot in glasses.

It's like saying I'm like Zeus, just slightly less powerful. No I am not in any way's nor anyone else for that matter near the power of the God Zeus.

Angelina Jolie is hotness, their is no "like".

Heh. I'll finish your article now.

One Little Seedling said...

"Magaggie" must be hot. She makes you stutter.

onocoffee said...

Um, please stop writing those truths about me, they could damage my reputation...

But seriously, I think that when you are with someone with whom you connect deeply the other girls no longer matter. That's not to say that we are unable to recognize how "hot" they may be, but rather that what we have with someone else is more important.