01 February 2010

That's Coldplay...

No it was the Fray.

I went to the bar instead if the gym today. I love the bar. Guiness
and wings, fish tacos and sloppy joes.

Plus, Fuel TV was on shredders all over the place.

As I sat there enjoying my beer, I found myself singing to the
atmosphere music. It wasn't Coldplay or the Fray it was Dave Matthews
Band. I hate admitting that I like them. I hate worse that I know
the lyrics to a large number of their songs.

I saw DMB open for Big Head Todd. I remember getting the first album
with the 3-D art cover. I was cool. Browser use to make fun of my
musical choices I think he still does.

But dirty preppy hippies driving jeep cherokees advocating for
recycling going to jam band shows was my life.
I'm CapSwell and I love DMB! I'll own it instead of hating it atleast
I don't like Coldplay.


SoNSo1 said...

Only fools like ColdPlay.

You should've sang with the hottie at the bar.

One Little Seedling said...

I love Coldplay!

I also like Christina Aguilera. She's just as good as Fugazi. Heh.

Did you right this post on your iPhone while slamming the brewskies? What's with the weird structure. It's like some sort of tarded pentameter.