05 February 2010

Snack Time CapSwell

I went to Wegmans to get provisions for the "snowstorm."  Mind you the whole storm will shift south come Friday and we wont see a bit of snow.  A fight nearly broke out between two women.  They accused each other of cutting.  Wegmans was so packed that the chefs were bagging food to get the lines moving.

What do I like to eat when snowed in.

I have a case of Mexican Coke, not at all good for me but so awesome.  They are sweet but mellow sweet not that sharp high fructose feeling.  But the taste is so mellow sometimes I want to drink a million cokes.

I have a bag of Kettle Popcorn, the red bag from Indiana.  It's both salty and sweet.  I actually prefer hot treats but this is a good snack as the buffy or band of brothers marathon starts.

I have lock down spam which is much better than steak when stuck inside.  I like to cut the spam thick and really crisp it up with some rice.  Sometime i toss an egg on top.

When it snows, I like Nissan Ramen which heated with egg and pork is slurpy goodness.


One Little Seedling said...

Soda! That's what I forgot. Sweet delicious Cream Soda.

SoNSo1 said...

Wegmans in this mess? Brave. Patiently brave.