05 February 2010

In Defence of East Coast Snow Storms

In DC you run into the Lefters, not liberals but those people from the left part of our great country who laugh at our snow responses.  While we are at the store buying up toilet paper, milk and firewood, these Lefters are laughing away and frankly I'm sick of it.

We love to dramaticize snow.  Snow storm of the century, white death, school closings pre snow fall.  A once year event is meant to be celebrated and fussed over like birthdays.  Plus we act this way to make sure people are ready for the snow.  It responsible to get people to the store.  You never know when you'll be bale to go during and after the storm.

Yes, we get riled up and forge for provisions.  We live in suburbs and cities and when we get the chance to rough it and live like early settlers we jump at it.  So we stock up on provisions and have a good time holed up at home.  We drink coco and eat all this great food.  We love the sense of accomplishment from shoveling the sidewalk.  We love building fires.  We feel connected to our roots.  Sorry that we don't have a million snow plows and snow blowers we dig out like real men!

Driving in the snow is also a treat for us.  Yes we drive slower thats just smart.  The problem is you all that are not from here who drive like maniacs.  Slow down and enjoy it a little.  Take it down a thousand.

Plus, you know the song "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas."  That song is for us.  We love snow.  You all get it all the time and forget the beauty of snow.  We don't get to have white Christmases that often so the possibility of one gets us excited.

Lefters I know snow bores you but we Mid Atlantic folk still love snow so enjoy it with us.

1 comment:

Blue Ryder said...

Yeah, i say, if it's gonna be cold, it might as well snow! I love it!! THE MORE THE MERRIER! DUMP on us!! PLEASE. Although, my one wish is to please stop blizzarding on us over the weekend. A Tuesday blizzard will suffice.