07 February 2010

Down Goes CapSwell, Down Goes CapSwell

I have hit my head three times today.

First, i went to break up the ice around my car and in what seemed like slow motion, i slipped back on my butt then my head hit the bumper and i broke my driver side indicator life.

Second, as I hit the bumper i tried to brace myself but the ice got me i continued to slip but faster and Bam my head hits the ice.

Third, i was also doing my laundry and was hanging shirts on my door frame.  I went to duck under the shirts and I smacked my heads against the door frame.  That one stunned me a little bit as i flopped onto my bed.

My head hurts and i feel light headed.  The stairs are challenging as i go down them my vertigo is kicking in.



@margeemateo said...


One Little Seedling said...

Dude maybe you should stop walking around?

That being said, your head busting your tail sounds funny as hell.

Anyways, hope your alright.

onocoffee said...

Uh, perhaps you have a concussion and need to be examined by a doctor....HELLO???

Blue Ryder said...

Hope you're OK Cap. I did see you online last night shooting, but not for long. That must be a horrible sign. Maybe we need to get you one of those life saving necklaces, the "help I've fallen and I can't get up" kind. Be CAREFUL!!!