14 February 2010

7 Wonders

I am continuing my Seven Wonders of the World Tour. Yesyerday I was
in Giza and climbed into the Pyramid. It was pretty out there, i mean
out there in a radical, tubular sort of way. Thats from Bull Durham.

I get angst when we roll into town and cut security and leap frog over
other people who have been waiting but so goes my life.

I have not had much authentic Egyptian food we ate a Queen Cleopatra
Restaurant last night. Infer what you will from that title.

Im in meetings for the rest of the week.

But i have found the map room. Apparently my staff and the head piece
i forged is way too long. Im digging in the wrong place for the Ark.

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1 comment:

One Little Seedling said...

Better find Marion Ravenwood. You need a God damned partner!