25 January 2010

Jedi Mind Tricked

It was Joe's Brithday on Saturday and we had a full day of eating and drinking.  We ended the day with dinner at Lebanese Taverna, a geat combination of both vegetarian and meat dishes so that we can accomadate the spectrum of diets in the family.

After looking over the menu I decided I would get Kibbeh, Fouttosh, and some hummus. 

Our waiter sensing a weakness in the Force hit us with the old Waiter - Jedi Mind Trick.  "I know what you all want, you will all have the grande mezze plate!  It's delicious!"

At first we resisted.  "No we have been here before."

This clealry stunned the sith lord waiter who left the table without taking drink orders and disappeared for a good twenty minutes.

When he came back and we proceeded to order his jedi powers started to work us over.  The orders came out of our mouths easily and rapidly....Grand Meze, light mezze, light mezze, lamb stew (LoneBot had successful resisted) and when it came to me I was all ready to say fouttosh, kibbeh and hummus but the words, "Grand Mezze." came out.

I was tricked, I know jedi mind tricks work only on the feebel minded so what does that say about CapSwell?!?!!?


One Little Seedling said...

Why did you get suckered dude? You need to go visit Dagobah.

I actually just finished your meal today.

SoNSo1 said...

Man, the gran mezze is going to be like the cheese cart at the charleston. Get it! You know you want it. Just get it!

I too wanted just grape leaves, hummus, and some kind of flat bread pizza.