15 November 2009

Modern Warfare 2

I am stuck in ground war hell. I am getting sniped from roof tops and can barely string a 5 kill streak together before getting fragged.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a great evolution of the video game series. It is current ie Afghanistan, with a great arsenal of weapons, enemies and maps. The time to load the game is faster. When someone chickens out and leaves the game migrates to a new hosts vs the old way of just ending the game.

The weapon attachments are better and you can keep upgrading weapons...heart beat sensor. Really? Its like being Hudson in the movies Aliens. "I got readings in front and behind."

Kill streaks can bring you great support like sentry guns yes just like in Aliens again.

You also get accolades for how you play. I get a ton of head shots but I also should get bullet magnet. I have never been shot so many times in my entire life.

For those who play can we please get the team together i need some help or if you do not have a Play Station 3, go buy one and get Modern Warfare 2. Sign up on line and find me and we can take down terrorist together.

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