I'm watching Glee and the episode is about a school girl crush. "I have to go, they'll think I'm pooping." Funniest line in Glee.
I don't know if anyone knows this but I was going to become a teacher after college. As part of getting my degree, I was also working on my teaching license which included a semester internship for my professional development. I taught 9th grade civics and government. Was I a good teacher I don't think so, I gave too many essay exams which broke students in two. Is it that hard to string your own thoughts together and support with facts. Sheesh.
Anyway, my second period civics class had these two emo-punker chicks, Allison and Emily (names were changed to protect the innocent). They sat up front.
"Where do you live? We are downtown all the time."
"You like the Cure and Green Day so do we."
We love you Mr. CapSwell ablazed their binders.
So my last week, I was telling a story from the back of the room. It was Republicans taking over Congress story historic shift, total snoozer for 9th graders. I'm going on about Speaker Foley losing and I see my teacher/mentor standing in front of Allison. I look closer and she had pulled her pants down. What the?!!?!?!?!
Later in the teacher's lounge. "In my 30 years of teaching I have never seen that happen. She wrote you a letter."
I had decide that teaching wasn't for me, no patience, but on that note I ended my teaching career.
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